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Sri Swami Jnanananda





Published by




Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Himalayas, India,


First Edition:      1955

Second Edition:   2024

[ 1,000 Copies ]






©The Divine Life Trust Society



EO 31





PRICE: ₹60/-






Published by Swami Padmanabhananda for

The Divine Life Society, Shivanandanagar, and printed by him at the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy Press, P.O. Shivanandanagar, Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Himalayas, India

For online orders and Catalogue visit :






स्वकीयहृदयगतसर्वविधभावपरिपूर्ण शतसंख्यकैः सुगन्धिपद्यकुसुमैः समलङ्कृतं शिवानन्दस्तोत्रपुष्पांजलिनामकं क्षुद्रपुस्तकमिदं भक्तिपूर्णमनसा ब्रह्मनिष्ठस्य सकलजनकल्याणकारिणः



पादकमले स्वाह्लादानु -

भवाय तथाऽत्मशुद्धये च

सादरं समर्पयामि


इति भवतां


श्री ज्ञानानन्द स्वामी






Printed on the sacred occasion of the Sannyasa Diksha Centenary Celebration of Worshipful Gurudev

Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj




It is with great pleasure that we place before the devout readers the revised edition of "SIVANANDA STOTRAPUSHPANJALI" on the auspicious occasion of Sannyasa Diksha Centenary of Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. These devout century of verses contained herein do, in fact, constitute a Pushpanjali, namely a worshipful flower-offering at the feet of the Master. Each verse is a fragrant flower worshipfully and adoringly placed by the loving disciple, the author at the feet of the Satguru. This little book embodies a Guru Aradhana. Valuable as it will be found to be to all seekers in general, this is of special value to the vast circle of disciples and devotees of Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, to be found in every part of the globe.

This handy book with its wealth of inspiring and prayerful devotional verses is beautifully suited for daily Swadhyaya as well as for repetition during the hours of meditation and worship. We place this in your hands with the full belief that it will be of immense inspiration and benefit to you, as also to countless other devout seekers like you.





The life of the true and devout Hindu is permeated by the spirit of worshipfulness and adoration. A deep and vibrant feeling of gratitude and love is a salient characteristic of this lofty spirit. Gratitude is one of the finest of the sentiments that naturally and spontaneously arise in the human heart. It finds expression in terms of intense reverence, love, earnest dedication, eternal allegiance and unceasing praise and glorification. Who can describe the irresistible urge for expression, of the heart that is filled to overflowing with immeasurable gratitude and true devotion? He only can know it, who has felt it throb and pulsate within the depths of his sincere heart. In this world, man feels gratitude for what he receives from another. While the human being feels gratefulness for earthly help and favours and for gifts of the world, material, and therefore necessarily limited and temporary and transitory in their nature, verily how much more and how far greater would be his gratitude for the spiritual help and the gifts of divine grace and light that the Satguru or the perfected Master bestows upon him. The Satguru showers upon him the gift of eternal beatitude, perennial spiritual joy. He leads him on to immortal life and the state of infinite felicity. The disciple is thus linked to the Master with sweet bonds of eternal gratitude and limitless love. The Jiva bound up in Samsara finds its release in the saving grace of the Satguru. This is the secret behind the unique and wonderful relation between the Guru and the disciple in India. This spiritual relationship is mysterious and marvellous and its essence is the perception by the disciple of the fullest divinity in the Guru.


To regard the Guru as God is the most important thing in spiritual life. To make not the least distinction between Guru and God is an indispensable requisite in the path of discipleship and the process of spiritual unfoldment. Declares the Shwetashwatara Upanishad :—


यस्य देवे परा भक्तिर्यथा देवे तथा गुरौ।

 तस्यैते कथिता ह्यर्थाः प्रकाशन्ते महात्मनः ।।


"To him who has supreme devotion to God and as much devotion to the Guru or spiritual preceptor as to God, to such a high-souled one will shine forth the (innermost), meaning of these truths expounded unto him". (6th chapter-Sloka 23.)


Similarly, it is stated that the supreme object of meditation is the person of the Guru, worshipful indeed are his lotus-feet, his utterances are as sacred scriptural texts and his Grace is the source of salvation. Hence, to adore the Guru and to worship him is a part of Yoga-sadhana. Such glorification is identical with glorification of God Himself, whom the disciple sees as no other than the Guru. It is regarded, and rightly too, as a spiritual exercise that strengthens the spiritual link with the Satguru, draws forth his Grace and brings about the awakening of spiritual consciousness in the disciple. This beautiful handbook of one hundred reverential and dedicated verses is the visible expression of such worshipfulness and gratitude of a disciple unto his divine Master. These verses constitute such a spiritual exercise as indicated above and are offered by the learned author Sri Swami Jnanananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj at the lotus-feet of His Holiness


Satguru Sri Swamiji Sivananda Bhagavan. Through his orthodox upbringing right from his childhood, Sri Swami Jnanananda is steeped in the traditional lore of our culture and is not only deeply religious, but also cherishes deep reverence to the traditional ideals. His love for Sanskrit and his erudition in this classical language are equally great. Coupled to these was his keen aspiration for the realisation of the spiritual ideal and this drew him powerfully towards the holy feet of Sri Satgurudev and his abode in the Himalayas by the sacred Ganges. From the moment of his contact with His Holiness Swami Sivanandaji, his surrender has been complete and his dedication whole-souled. He has striven to identify himself with the lofty spiritual mission of Jnana-yajna being carried on by his Satguru and has plungea himself with great zeal and devotion in this work.


In Sri Swami Jnanananda Saraswati, we have a noble example of dedicated discipleship. He is a Sat-sishya who is absorbed day and night in the service of the Guru's mission. He knows no other thing than the Seva of his Guru for the furtherance of great spiritual work. He wishes for no rest. He says, "My life has become supremely blessed by coming into contact with Satguru Sivananda Bhagavan. Anandakutir is my heaven. By graciously taking me into his divinefold, Sri Satgurudev has bestowed upon me the highest blessedness. He has been the giver of spiritual light. At his feet do I find my Paramdham, my Moksha, and my supreme Kaivalya. His service is my meditation. Glory to my holy Master, who is to me none other than Lord Siva Himself."


The above veneration and devotion has often and on found their expression in verses of great charm and beauty and literary grace. They are the spontaneous outflow of Swami Jnanananda's Guru-bhakti and Prem and they are the beautiful flowers that he offers with love at the lotus-feet of the Guru. This collection of these verses are of inestimable value to all seekers and spiritual aspirants. They are of immense practical use in one's Sadhana too. For, these verses embody the quintessence of Guru-bhakti and reveal the spirit of true discipleship. They teem with wealth of sentiment bringing out the Bhava of the devout disciple and the seeker athirst for the grace of the Guru that bestows release and relief from the fire of Samsaric existence. A regular study of these verses will in itself doubtless form a spiritual education to seekers on the path. These verses are touchingly devotional and throbbing with Bhava and fervour. They thrill, inspire and elevate. They instantly evoke a mood oi worshipfulness and attitude of prayerfulness. We feel that this little volume should find a place near the altar and place of meditation of all earnest Sadhaka and spiritual aspirants. Through these verses the pious author, Sri Swami Jnanananda, has rendered a great service to the aspirant-world. He deserves the warmest congratulations. These verses have already won the hearts of the readers of "The Yoga-Vedanta Forest University Weekly" in which they have been regularly serialised. I wish this little volume the ready reception and the widest circulation, which I feel it richly deserves.


I pray that the Lord may bestow His choicest blessings and abundant grace upon the worthy author.


Shivanandanagar                             Swami Chidananda

1st May 1956



Sanskrit is said to be the language of the celestials. It is the purest of the several existing media of expression and has the advantage of containing in its words, in a root-form, the hidden significance of what they denote. Sanskrit is a majestic language. It is very sweet and dignified. The other languages of India largely draw from the store-house of Sanskrit. Sanskrit is very elastic, too.


There is a remarkable and holy atmosphere associated with Sanskrit. The study of Sanskrit instills a kind of devotion and exalted feeling in one's heart and generates a higher emotion. Sanskrit was first mostly used in religious literature. But later, it became the voice of every branch of learning in India. Once it was also the spoken language of the Indian people. Kings used to patronise Sanskrit poets and there was a great renaissance of Sanskrit culture everywhere. Unfortunately, today people are inclined to dub Sanskrit as a dead language. No. It cannot be dead. In the heart of the Indians, there throbs the spirit of Sanskrit. This can never cease. The Indian's love for Sanskrit cannot die.


Not only this; even great Western scholars have been attracted by the greatness and grandeur of Sanskrit. There have been in the Western universities special chairs established for carrying on research work in Sanskrit Literature. There is a great need now to renew such research and bring once again to practical application in life the use of the Sanskrit language and make it the common language of India.


Swami Jnananandaji, a monk of deep scholarship in Sanskrit, who presents to the public this bouquet of charming verses, combines in them the beauty of Sanskrit with the glowing spirit of the religious aspirant. He has taken special care to make the composition as delightful as possible and produce in the young generation of coming India a thrill of the magical touch of the superbness of Sanskrit. The Swamijl commands Sanskrit not as a dead language but as a language intensely alive even today, and fit to evoke the admiration of the learned. He handles the language in a most genuine and practical manner. His verses are the natural expressions of his mastery over the style and vocabulary of Sanskrit, combined with an equally great ability to handle the various metres of its poetry.


Swami Jnananandaji truly deserves the approbation of all lovers of Sanskrit for his poetry which is enlivened with a beautiful diction and a facile style. It seems evident from these verses that he possesses the equipments necessary for being the author of Sanskrit Kavyas. Students of Sanskrit owe a debt of gratitude to the Swamiji for these graceful compositions of his, which are at once gripping and flowing. I wish him all success in his noble endeavours.


Shivanandanagar                              Swami Krishnananda

25th April, 1956

















जयतु जगदुपास्यो जीविकारुण्यराशि-

र्नयविनयविवेकैः द्योतमानान्तरंगः

नियमयमपवित्रो दिव्यतेजोविलासः

प्रयतभविकशीलः श्रीशिवानन्दयोगी ।।१।।


Victory to the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is worshipped by the whole world, who is full of compassion towards all living beings, who has got a pure mind expressive of modesty, discrimination and tenderness, who is purified with the practice of Yama and Niyama, who is shining with divine splendour and who is endowed with benevolent nature.


नमस्ते गुरुदेवाय नमस्ते पुण्यमूर्तये ।

नमस्ते श्रीशिवानन्दमुनीन्द्राय महात्मने ।।२।।


Salutations to the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is the world-preceptor and the embodiment of righteousness.


करुणावरुणागारं तरुणारुणतेजसम् ।

शरणागतमन्दारं शिवानन्दं गुरुं भजे ।।३।।


Him who is the ocean of mercy, who has the splendour of the rising sun, who is the boon-bestowing tree to all who seek refuge at his feet, Him, my Lord Sivananda I adore.


अत्यन्तनिर्मलात्मानं प्रत्यग्रप्रतिभान्वितम् ।

श्रुत्यन्तबोधवाराशिं शिवानन्दं गुरुं भजे ।।४।।


I adore Gurudev Sivananda, whose mind is absolutely pure, whose intellect ever shines with great prowess, and who is the ocean of Vedantic wisdom.


सर्वलोकसमाराध्यं शर्वनिर्लीनमानसम् ।

शर्वरीशाननं वन्दे शिवानन्दं महामुनिम् ।।५।।


I devoutly worship the great saint Swami Sivananda, who is worshipped by the whole world, whose mind is ever absorbed in Lord Siva, and whose face beams like the full moon.





वन्दे  शिवानन्दमहामुनीन्द्रम् ।। ६ ।।


Salutations to the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is always engaged in giving medicine of Vedantic-knowledge to those afflicted by the disease of Samsara, who is the Divine Tree to those who take shelter at his feet and who is gloriously known far and wide in the world.



मन्देतरानन्दकरं जनानाम्

वन्द्याकृतिं वर्ण्यगुणाम्बुराशिं

वन्दे शिवानन्दमहामुनीन्द्रम् ।।७।।


Salutations to the great sage Swami Sivananda, who has his abode on the bank of the Ganga, who gives great joy to the people, whose form is adorable and who is the ocean of praiseworthy attributes.


चिदानन्दरूपं सदा चिन्तयन्तं


भवाम्भोधिमग्नान् जनानुद्धरन्तं

शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेवाश्रयेऽहम् ।।८।।


I take refuge in the great sage Swami Sivananda who is ever meditating on Chidanandarupa (God), who is the fountain of joy, who is always uttering 'Om' and who is the saviour of those who are sinking in the ocean of birth and death.


अहो भाग्यमुत्कृष्टवेदान्ततत्त्वा-

न्यहोरात्रमस्मान् समुद्बोधयन्तम्


शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेवाश्रयेऽहम् ।।९।।


We are immensely blessed as we have taken refuge at the holy feet of Swami Sivananda, who is always teaching us the Vedanta-philosophy and awakening new consciousness in us.


संसाराम्भोनिधिनिपतितान् तत्तटं प्रापयन्तं

कंसारातिं कलुषशमनं सन्ततं चिन्तयन्तम्

तं सारान्तःकरणममलं श्रीशिवानन्दमूर्ति

पुंसां श्रेष्ठं पुरुगुणनिधिं पुष्टपुण्यं भजेऽहम् ।।१०।।


I devoutly adore the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is ever engaged in saving those who are drowned in the ocean of Samsara, whose mind is always absorbed in meditation on Lord Krishna, the destroyer of all sins, who is the foremost among men, who is the abode of all virtues, who is the embodiment of righteousness and who possesses a pure and magnanimous heart.


नित्यानन्दं निरुपमतमं नित्यमालोकभाजां

प्रत्यग्रार्द्र प्रकटसुखदाभाषणैर्वर्धयन्तम्

प्रत्यक्षोद्यद्दिनमणिनिभं श्रीशिवानन्दमूर्ति

श्रुत्यन्तज्ञं श्रुतिसुखपदं भावये विश्ववन्द्यम् ।।११।।


I worship Swami Sivananda, who always increases the joy of the devotees by his pleasing and kind words, who is radiant like rising sun, who possesses a knowledge of Vedanta-philosophy and who is adored by the entire world. vast of amount


नमः परमकारुण्यशालिने दिव्यमूर्तये ।

शिवानन्दमुनीन्द्राय लौकेकगुरवे नमः ।।१२।।


Prostrations to the great sage and world-preceptor Swami Sivananda, whose kindness is boundless and who is the very embodiment of Divinity Itself.


अस्मत्परमभाग्यैकफलायितविलोकनम् ।

गुरुदेवं शिवानन्दमुनिवर्यमुपास्महे ।।१३।।


We worship our Gurudev Swami Sivananda whose Darshan we are having as the fruit of our great fortune.


सर्वज्ञं सततं समस्तविबुधश्रेणीसमाराधितं

भूतव्रातहितं गिरीन्द्रनिलयं संगीतलास्यप्रियम्

गंगासक्तमनस्कमुत्कटतपोनिष्ठं शिवानन्दस-

द्योगीन्द्रं मतिमन्तमीश्वरसमं वन्दे जगद्देशिकम् ।।१४।।


I worshipfully adore great saint Swami Sivananda, who is like Lord Siva with the crescent moon, who is attached to Ganga, who is ever engaged in austere penance, who takes delight in music and dance, whose abode is in the Himalayas, who is evenly disposed to all creatures, who is always adored by all wise people and who is omniscient.




अल्पान्योत्तमसद्‌गुणैकनिलयं दिव्यं शिवानन्दस-

द्योगीन्द्रं भवसिन्धुमन्नशरणं वन्दे सदाराधितम् ।।१५।।


Adorations to the great divine sage Swami Sivananda, who is the refuge of those who are immersed in the quagmire of Samsara, who, like the wish-yielding tree, is kindly giving everything to those who take refuge in him, from whose blossomed lotus-like face flow the compassionate smiles and who is the abode of innumerable good qualities.


यः प्रत्यग्रविशिष्टतत्त्वभरितं दिव्योपदेशामृतं

लोकेभ्यस्सततं ददाति दुरितं निश्शेषमुन्मूलयन्

 नित्यानन्दपदावबोधनरतिं मत्र्येषु संवर्द्धयन्

स्तुत्यर्होत्र विभाति सन्मतशिवानन्दाय तस्मै नमः ।।१६।।


Prostrations to Swami Sivananda, who is the ocean of praiseworthy qualities, who generates eagerness in men to attain the state of everlasting happiness, and whose nectarine words, conveying the Supreme Wisdom, are capable of annihilating the misery of this Samsara.


यं सर्वे समुपासते सविनयं सर्वेशतुल्यं सदा

यस्यान्यादृशवैभवस्य चरितं गायन्ति लोका मुदा

येनाविष्कृतदिव्यजीवनसभा संस्थापिता भूतले

तं पुण्याकृतिमुत्तमं हृदि शिवानन्दं सदा भावये ।।१७।।


I always worship Swami Sivananda, who is adored by all as God-incarnate, whose unparalleled glorious life-history sung happily by people at large, who has is established the Divine Life Society, and who is greatest among virtuous people.



नानालोकनिवासिनो जनगणा हृष्यन्ति मग्नाशयाः

यं संसारसमुद्रमन्ग्नशरणं संसेव्य सर्वे जना

स्सानन्दं निवसन्ति सन्मतशिवानन्दाय तस्मै नमः ।।१८।।


Prostrations Swami to Sadguru Sivananda, who is endowed with a smiling face, betokening his infinite mercy and purity of heart, in whose proximity, people coming from different parts of the world feel delighted, who is the sole refuge of those who are sunk deep in the ocean of Samsara, and serving whom the people are living happily.


यद्वक्त्राम्बुजदर्शनेन कुमतिस्तूर्ण सुशीलो भवे -

द्यद्वाक्यामृतमापिबन् जडजनः क्षिप्रं त्यजेन्मन्दताम्

यद् ध्यानोत्सुकभक्तलोकनिवहो मोक्षायने संचरे-

त्तस्मै सद्‌गुरवे नमोस्त्विति शिवानन्दाय दिव्यर्षये ।।१९।।


I worship the great sage Swami Sivananda, by whose mere Darshan, the wicked becomes virtuous; by drinking the nectar of whose sweet words, the dull-witted soon becomes wise, and by whose meditation, sincere devotee treads the path of liberation.


यस्मिन् विस्मितमानसास्सुमनसस्सन्दर्शनाकांक्षिण-

स्सामोदं समुपागता नुतिसुमस्रग्वर्षणं कुर्वते

यस्यानन्दकुटीरवासकुतुकादायान्ति नानाजना

दिव्यर्षिप्रवराय सन्मतशिवानन्दाय तस्मै नमः ।।२०।।


Salutations to Gurudev Swami Sivananda, the greatest Rishi of the age, for whose Darshan people from various places of the world flock to Ananda Kutir, fired with the love of living in his presence, and on whom they shower the flower-garlands of praises with purified heart and wonder-filled eyes.



प्रोद्भूताधिकलिप्सया नरगणा यं सर्वदोऽऽपासते

येनाशास्यगुणेन दत्तमखिलं वेदान्ततत्त्वं मुदा

सर्वेभ्यस्सकलर्षिसत्तमशिवानन्दाय तस्मै नमः ।।२१।।


Devout Pranamas to the greatest saint, Swami Sivananda, who has propagated the teachings of Vedanta throughout the length and breadth of the world, whom people always worship with great desire of listening to the infinite flow of the nectarine gospel issuing from his lotus-like mouth.


यद्वाक्यामृतमाधुरीगुणगणानाकर्ण्य दूराज्जना -

स्सर्वाण्याशु विसृज्य सन्ततमृषीकेशं समायान्ति ते

वैकुण्ठोपमपुण्यभूतलमिदं दृष्ट्वा कृतार्थाश्चिरं

यत्पादं समुपासते शिवशिवानन्दाय तस्मै नमः ।।२२।।


sweet Prostrations to Swami Sivananda, to behold whom people after hearing the innumerable qualities of his nectar-like words, flow to Rishikesh which is holy and equal to Vaikuntha, and after seeing whom and in fulfilment of their desire, they worship his feet for a pretty long time.


यस्यान्यादृशवैभवस्य चरितं सल्लोककर्णामृतं

यद्दिव्याकृतिदर्शनं सुकृतिभिर्लभ्यं शुभोदर्कदम्

यन्नामश्रवणं समस्तजनतासंसारतापापहं

साष्टांगं प्रणमामि तं शिवशिवानन्दं सदानन्ददम् ।। २३ ।।



Prostrations to Gurudev Swami Sivananda, the giver of eternal joy, whose unparalleled glorious life-history is nectar for all virtuous people, the sight of whose divine form bestows prosperity attainable only by the meritorious people and the hearing of whose name is capable of destroying the worldly miseries of all.



स्तुत्यानर्घविशिष्टशीलनिलयः प्रौढप्रभाभास्वरः

प्रत्यग्रप्रचुरप्रभावविभवः श्रुत्यन्तबोधाकरो

नुत्यर्हो जयताद् जगद्‌गुरुशिवानन्दः सदासेवितः ।।२४।।


Victory to Jagadguru Swami Sivananda, who is generating eternal happiness in all the creatures of the universe, who is the abode of all good qualities, who is shining with great splendour, who is endowed with the unique power of propagating the highest human ideals in every nook and corner of the world, who is the treasure-house of Vedantic knowledge and who is always served by good people.


प्रत्यक्षेश्वरसन्निभं प्रतिदिनं प्रत्यग्रतत्त्वोत्सुकं


प्रत्यासन्नशुभप्रकर्षपिशुनालोकप्रदं देहिनां

प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिं जगद्‌गुरुशिवानन्दं सदा भावये ।। २५ ।।


I always meditate on Jagadguru Swami Sivananda, who is veritable God on earth, who is constantly engaged in the contemplation of the ultimate Truth, who is destroying the ignorance of aspirants, like the sun destroying darkness, whose Darshan indicates the ensuing prosperity in the lives of devotees and whose intellect is of a creative nature.


निस्तन्द्रं निरवद्यकर्मनिरतं निस्स्वार्थसेवापरं

निस्तकै निगमान्तसारपठनान्निष्पन्नबोधोदयम्

निस्तुल्यं निखिलाभिवन्द्यमनघं निर्लिप्तमाशागणैः

प्रस्तुत्यं सुगुणाकरं शिवशिवानन्दं सदा भावये ।। २६ ।।


I contemplate on Jagadguru Swami Sivananda, who is always engaged in doing good and selfless actions without any sort of indolence, who is indisputably possessed of the knowledge born of the intensive study of the Vedanta, who is unparalleled in his glory, who is worshipped by the whole world, who is sinless and untainted by cravings and desires and who is endowed with praiseworthy qualities.


कल्याणालयमद्भुतामितगुणाम्भोधिं विशालाशयं

 तुल्यापेतसमज्ञमुत्कटतपोनिष्ठं प्रसन्नाननम्

शल्यावेशवशंवदान् जनचयानाश्वासयन्तं सदा-

सल्लापामृतसेचनैशिवशिवानन्दं सदा भावये ।। २७।।


I meditate on Gurudev Sivananda, who is the abode of all blessedness, who is the ocean of infinite and wonderful qualities, who is magnanimous heart, endowed with who has incomparable fame, who is steadfast in his austere penance, whose face radiates with beautiful smile and who is consoling, through his nectarine teachings, those people who are entangled in this Samsara.


कल्याणानां निधानं कलिमलशमनं सच्चिदानन्दलीनं

तुल्यापेतप्रभावप्रकरविलसनाद् द्योतिताशावकाशम्

शल्यावेशादशेषान् सदयमविरतं पालयन्तं स्वसूक्त्या-

वल्या पीयूषवर्षेरिव भजत शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेनम् ।।२८ ।।


Worship this Yogi Swami Sivananda, who is the embodiment of all the good qualities, who is capable of destroying the defects of Kali-Yuga, who is always established in Satchidananda (Existence- Knowledge-Bliss Absolute), who illumines the entire world with his incomparable greatness and who, by the shower of his inspiring teachings, is protecting those who are drifting in the ocean of Samsara.



न्यास्वाद्यास्वाद्य हृद्यं प्रणवमयमहागीतमेवालपन्तम्

आकृष्टानेकलोकं मुनिविकिरपिक श्रेष्ठवद्राजमानं

वन्दे वन्दारुवृन्दार्चितचरणयुगं श्रीशिवानन्दमेनम् ।।२९।।


I adore Swami Sivananda, who, like a nightingale (Kokila bird) among the birds of sages, having tasted again and again the honey from the flowers of the teachings in the garden of Vedanta, is chanting the melodious song of Omkara, thereby attracting the whole world to him, and whose holy feet always are worshipped by the sincere devotees.


कारुण्यालोकसंभावितजननिवहं नित्यमालोकभाजां


कामक्रोधादिहीनं निजमनसि जगत्साक्षिणं वीक्षमाणं

काष्ठान्तोदीर्णकीर्तिं हृदि भजत शिवानन्दमानन्दमूर्तिम् ।। ३० ।।


Worship devoutly Swami Sivananda, the embodiment of Bliss, who delights the hearts of people by his gracious and compassionate glance, who is always keen in destroying the sins of his devotees, who is greatly regarded by all, who is devoid of desire, anger, etc., who sees the Supreme Being within himself, and whose fame is world-wide.


नानालोकाभिवन्द्यं निरवधिनिगमाधीतिलब्धावबोधम्

मानातीतानुभावं महितगुणगणोदारकेदारभूतम्

दीनापीनानुकम्पातरलितमनसं दिव्यतेजोविलासम्

ध्यानालीनान्तरंगं हृदि भजत शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेनम् ।। ३१ ।।


the Worship the great Yogi Swami Sivananda, who is adored by people from different parts of the world, who possesses the knowledge born of the study of innumerable scriptures, who is endowed with infinite fame, who is treasure-house of all virtues, whose heart melts at the sight of the needy and miserable, who is shining with divine effulgence and who is deeply immersed in meditation.


सौमुख्यं सन्ततं सज्जननिवहसमाशास्यसत्कर्मनिष्ठा

वैमुख्यं पापकृत्येष्वखिलपतिपदाम्भोजभक्तिप्रकर्षः

इत्येवं दिव्यभव्यप्रकटगुणगणाम्भोधिरानन्दमूर्तिः

स्तुत्यर्हानर्घशीलो जयति गुरुवरः श्रीशिवानन्दयोगी ।।३२।।


Victory is to the great ascetic and Yogi Swami Sivananda, who is endowed with ideal character, who is always of an amiable nature, who is ever engaged in doing such work as is praised by virtuous people, at the same time, is averse to sinful acts, who is intensely devoted to God, who is the ocean of all divine qualities and who is the embodiment of Pure Bliss.


लोकक्षेमाय नित्यं निजमनसि जगन्नायकं प्रार्थयन्तम्

शोकक्षामाय नृणां समुचितसुपथान् सन्ततं दर्शयन्तम्

स्तोकव्याहारपानाशनभजनगुणान् बाढमुद्बोधयन्तम्

योगासीनं महान्तं हृदि भजत शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेनम् ।। ३३ ।।


miseries Worship in your heart the great sage Swami Sivananda, who always prays for the welfare of the whole world and of the attenuates the worldly-minded by giving them proper guidance in the noble path to be followed, who constantly gives instructions to them to have moderation in food, drink, speech, etc., and who is always established in Yoga.


वेदान्तोत्कृष्टतत्त्वान्यखिलजनगणान् नित्यमुक्त्वा नितान्तम्

मोदावेशप्रकाशप्रकरमविरतं गाढमुत्पादयन्तम्

सादापेतं सुकर्माण्यनवरतमरं कर्तुकामं निकामम्

लोकाचार्यं मुनीन्द्रं हृदि भजत शिवानन्दमानन्दकन्दम् ।।३४।।


Adore the great sage and Jagadguru Swami Sivananda, who is the abode of bliss, who is ever busy in propagating the high philosophical truths among people which bestow supreme happiness upon them and who is always desirous of doing virtuous acts without any kind of weariness.


कारुण्यालोकजालैस्सकलजनचयान् नित्यमाह्लादयन्तम्

कालुष्याशेषविध्वंसनविहितमतिं विश्वलोकाभिवन्द्यम्


सीमातीतानुकम्पं हृदि भजत शिवानन्दमानन्दमूर्तिम् ।। ३५ ।।


the Worship Swami Sivananda, embodiment of bliss, who makes all people happy by his graceful glance, who has set his mind to annihilate all evils from the world, who is universally adored, who is skillful in destroying the six-fold inner enemies, who is endowed with incomparable greatness and whose compassion is limitless.


लोकक्षेमोत्सुकमविरतं मानवानां कृपार्दा-

लोकस्तोमैरमितकुतुकं वर्धयन्तं नितान्तम्

शोकच्छेदे भवगदजुषामुद्यतं दिव्यभव्या-

लोकव्रातस्फुरितवपुषं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ३६ ।।


I worship Swami Sivananda, who is always keen about the welfare of the whole world, who, by his graceful looks coupled with a compassionate heart, is capable of generating limitless joy in the hearts of the people, who is bent upon destroying the miseries born out of the disease of Samsara and whose beautiful form shines with divine splendour.


वेदप्राज्ञं विमलमनसं विश्वलोकाभिवन्द्यं

भेदप्रज्ञारहितमनिशं ब्रह्मलीनान्तरङ्गम्

वीतक्लेशं विविधजनताशर्मसन्धानकृत्य -

व्रातस्थेमश्रमकरमलं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।३७।।


I adore Gurudev Sivananda, who is pure-hearted, who is well-versed in the Vedic Knowledge, who is honoured by the whole world, who is endowed with equanimity of vision, whose mind is ever established in the Supreme Being, who is indefatigably engaged in bringing happiness to the miserable people, without caring about his bodily comforts.


मन्दस्मेराननसमुदितात् सूक्तिपीयूषधारा-

वृन्दस्यन्दादखिलमनुजान् भक्तिमार्गं नयन्तम्

कन्दर्पारिं कलुषशमनं चिन्तयन्तं प्रवृद्धा-

नन्दस्वान्तं विशदयशसं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।३८ ।।


Adorations to great saint Swami Sivananda, who leads all the people in the path of devotion by the perennial flow of his nectarine teachings born of his smiling face, who always contemplates on Lord Siva, the enemy of cupid and destroyer of all sins, and who is endowed with blissful nature and unblemished fame.


ओमित्येकाक्षरसविरलामोदपूर्व जपन्तं

भूमीन्द्राद्यैरपि शुभगणायान्वहं सेव्यमानम्

जैमिन्युक्तिप्रवचनरतं सात्त्विकोदारकर्म-

स्थेमीभूतं भुवनविदितं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ३९ ।।


Prostrations to Swami Sivananda, who is always chanting the monosyllable OM with infinite joy, who is served every day even by royal personages in expectation of material prosperity, who is ever engaged in expounding the significance of Dharmic life, who is always interested in performing Sattvic (good and virtuous) actions, and whose glory is world-wide.


निरर्गलविनिर्गलन्निगमसूक्तिसारामृतै -

र्निरस्तनिखिलामयं निशितशेमुषीवैभवम्


विरक्तजनसत्तमं शिवमुनीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।।४० ।।


I take refuge at the holy feet of the great sage Swami Sivananda, who has destroyed all afflictions of people by the incessant nectarine flow of the scriptural teachings, whose intellect is very sharp, who is constantly bestowing his graceful and compassionate glance on his devotees and who is the gem amongst dispassionate people.


समस्तजनपूजितं शमदमादिभिश्शोभितं

सुमर्त्यगणवत्सलं सुमधुरोक्तिपीयूषदम्

अमर्त्यतटिनीतटे शुभकुटीरवासप्रियं

नमज्जननिषेवितं शिवमहर्षिमेवाश्रये ।।४१।।


I seek shelter in the great saint Swami Sivananda, who is adored by all, who shines with the power of self-control, who is dear to virtuous people, who is the giver of nectarine teachings, who is fond of living in a serene Kutir on the bank of the river Ganga, and who is always served by his loving devotees.


विशालतरवीक्षणं विशदकीर्तिपात्रं त्रयी-


विशांपतिसमर्चितं विषयबन्धहीनं सदा

विशाखपितृसेवकं शिवमुनीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।।४२।।


I humbly take refuge in the great sage Swami Sivananda, who has a very broad outlook, who is worthy of great fame, who is well-versed in the Vedas, who has a noble character, who will strike every one with wonder at the very first sight, who is worshipped even by kings, who is devoid of all sensual attachments, and who always worships Lord Siva.


सरोजसदृशाननं सरलकोमलालापिनं

विरोचनसुरोचिषं विरतलौकिकाशाचयम्

परोपकृतितत्परं परिणतात्मविद्याबलं

प्ररोहदमितादरं शिवमुनीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।। ४३ ।।


I devoutly take shelter in the great sage Swami Sivananda, who has a lotus-like face, whose words are sweet and melodious, who is equal to the sun in splendour, who has completely renounced all worldly attachment, who is ever eager to serve others and who is endowed with the power born of Self-knowledge.


समस्तजनसञ्चयं सततमात्मबोधोदयात्

समञ्जसगुणाकरं भुवि विधातुकामः स्वयम्

श्रमप्रकरमुत्कटं प्रकटमेव कुर्वन् भृशं

यमप्रसरभास्वरः शिवगुरुश्चिरं राजताम् ।।४४।।


May the great sage Swami Sivananda shine eternally, who is desirous of transforming all the people of the world into the treasure-house of all virtues consequent Self-knowledge, upon the dawn of who is incessantly engaged in this selfless effort, and who is shining with the radiance of self-control.



निरस्तनिखिलामयं निगमराशिपारङ्गतम्

निरङ्कुशमतिं नृणां कुशलमार्गसन्दर्शकं

निरर्घगुणसागरं शिवयतीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।।४५ ।।


I take refuge in the great saint Swami Sivananda, who is capable of dispelling all sorrows by his ever-flowing nectar-like teachings, who has mastered all the scriptures, who is endowed with unmatched intelligence, who is a true guide for the spiritual aspirants, and who is the ocean of divine attributes.


अमर्त्यतटिनीतटे समुपविष्टमाराधना -

क्रमप्रवचनोत्सुकं प्रणतशिष्यसंसेवितम्

अमन्दधिषणाबलं सकलसंशयोन्मूलने

समर्थमखिलेडितं शिवयतीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।। ४६ ।।


I take shelter in the great ascetic Swami Sivananda, who, sitting on the bank of Ganga, is giving Upadesha on the different ways of worshipping God, who is always surrounded by a group of humble disciples, who has got a sharp and powerful intellect, who is able to clear all doubts of the seekers with wonderful conviction, and who is adored by the whole world.


अवाच्यकदनास्पदाद् भवगदाज्जनान् रक्षितुं

नवायननिरीक्षणे कृतमतिं जगद्देशिकम्

दिवानिशमविश्रमं सकललोकसेवाकरं

शिवाख्यगुरुसत्तमं भविकशीलमेवाश्रये ।।४७ ।।


I take refuge in the good-natured and great world-preceptor, Swami Sivananda, who is immensely dedicated towards discovering the new ways for protecting those who are immersed in the mire of Samsara, the seat of untold miseries, and who is constantly engaged in the service of the world at large without any rest whatsoever.


सर्वदा सकललोकसेवनपरायणं परमपावनं

सर्वदाननिरतं कृपाकुलविलोकनं विमलभावनम्

शर्वचिन्तननितान्तलीनहृदयं समस्तदुरितापहं

शर्वरीशसदृशाननं शिवमहर्षिसत्तममुपास्महे ।। ४८।।


I worship the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is always serving the people, who is most pure and beneficent, whose eyes are ever filled with compassion, whose mind is always absorbed in the contemplation of Lord Siva, who is the dispeller of all miseries and who has a shining face like the moon.


ध्यानशीलममलाशयं महिततेजसं सुकृतविग्रहं


आननाम्बुजविनिर्गलन्मधुरभाषणं भुवनभूषणं

दीनलोकपरिपालनोत्सुकमुपास्महे शिवमहामुनिम् ।।४९ ।।


Adorations to the great saint Swami Sivananda, who has contemplative nature and pure heart, who is shining with great splendour, who is an embodiment of virtues, who is always engaged in the investigation of ways and means for the welfare of the human race, from whose lotus-like face flows incessantly the nectar of sweet words, who is a torch-bearer for the whole world, and who is ever eager to serve the poor and the miserable.


सारसान्द्रमधुरोक्तिवर्षशिशिरीकृताखिलजनोत्करं सारसाक्षकमनीयरूपपरिलीनमानसमनेनसम् भारतावनिविशिष्टनन्दनमुदारशीलममितौजसं

स्मेरमण्डितमुखाम्बुजं भजत सद्‌गुरुं शिवमुनीश्वरम् ।।५०।।


Worship the great sage Swami Sivananda who, by his sweet and wise words, is capable of cooling down the burning hearts of all people, whose mind is merged in the meditation on Lord Hari, who is sinless, who is the chosen son of Bharatavarsha (India), who is large-hearted, who is endowed with extraordinary splendour, and who has a smiling lotus-like face.


वर्णनीयचरितं भवामयविनाशनैकनिरतं कृपा-


तीर्णनैकविषयार्णवं विगतकिल्बिषं गुरुवरं गुणो-

दीर्णमानसमशेषमानुषनिषेवितं शिवमुनिं भजे ।।५१।।


Salutations to the great ascetic Swami Sivananda, whose life-history is worthy of being expounded, who is deeply engaged in the one task of annihilating worldly miseries, who is full of mercy, who has a beautiful and shining face like the louts-flower, who has got over the temptations of the innumerable sensual objects of the world, who is sinless, who is endowed with the magnanimous heart and who is adored by the whole world.


सन्ततं सकलभूतजालहितकाङ्गिणं सरसभाषिणं


अन्तकान्तकपदाम्बुजं शिवदमन्तरंगसरसीरुहे

चिन्तयन्तममितादरं मनसि भावये शिवगुरूत्तमम् ।।५२।।


I meditate with intense devotion on Gurudev Sivananda, who is always interested in the welfare of all beings, who speaks sweetly, who has a serene mind, from whose beautiful face smiles flow and who always meditates on the lotus-feet of Lord Siva, the bestower of all- auspiciousness.


सारसाक्षकमनीयविग्रहविचिन्तनैकनिरतान् सदा

सारसान्द्रमधुरामृतोक्तिभिरलं चिकीर्षुमखिलान् जनान्


शारदामृतकराननं भजत भव्यदं शिवगुरूत्तमम् ।।५३।।


Worship Gurudev Sivananda, who is always engaged in creating the greatest desire in people to establish themselves in the contemplation of the beautiful form of Lord Vishnu through his meaningful nectar like sweet words, who shows the people glorious path of devotion to God, as expounded by great sages like Narada and who has a beautiful face like the autumnal moon.


दिव्यतत्त्वभरितानशेषनिगमान् विवर्तनगणैर्नृणां

भव्यदायकसनातनायनविलोकनाय परिबोधयन्

दिव्यजीवनसभां समस्तजनताहिताय विनिवेशयन्

सुव्यवस्थितशुभोदयो जयतु सद्गुरुः शिवयतीश्वरः ।।५४।।


Victory to Sadguru Sivananda who, through his valuable commentaries on the scriptures brimming with the divine truth, apprises the people of glorious Sanatana Dharma which bestows the highest good on them, who has established the Divine Life Society for the welfare of the whole world and who is firmly established in goodness and benevolence.



कृत्यभिष्टुतमुदीर्णभक्तिभरिताशयं दुरितनाशनम्

स्तुत्यसद्गुणमुदारमानसमनेनसं सुकृतविग्रहं

प्रत्ययाकरमनारतं भजत सद्‌गुरुं शिवयतीश्वरम् ।।५५ ।।


Worship always the great saint Swami Sivananda who is pure-hearted, good-natured, is ever engaged in the protection of those who take refuge in him, who is praised by wise men, who has a very devout mind, who is the dispeller of all miseries, whose qualities are praiseworthy, who is large-hearted and sinless, who is the embodiment of virtues and who is the repository God-consciousness. of


शश्वनन्नश्वरमेव विश्वमखिलं विश्वेश्वरे शाश्वते

विश्वासोऽत्र विधीयतां नरगणैरानन्दसम्प्राप्तये

आश्वासोक्तिमिमां वितीर्य सहसा संसाररोगच्छिदे

विश्वाचार्यमहर्षिसत्तमशिवानन्दाय तुभ्यं नमः ।।५६।।


"This world is of fleeting nature; that which is eternal is the Supreme Being. The worldly-minded people will do well in pinning their faith on Supreme Being for the attainment of Bliss." These are the consoling words of the great sage Swami Sivananda, the destroyer of the disease of Samsara. Prostrations unto Swami Sivananda who is the world-preceptor.


दैवाधीनमिदं जगत् जनिफलावाप्त्यै जगत्साक्षिणः

सेवाधीरवलम्ब्यतामविरतं सर्वैर्जगद्वासिभिः

एवं सूक्तिसुधाभिवर्षणरतायादर्शदिव्यर्षये

कैवल्योत्तममार्गदर्शक शिवानन्दाय तुभ्यं नमः ।।५७।।


"This world is under the control of the Lord. To attain the goal of life, the people of the whole universe should always set their minds on the service of the Lord." The great sage is very much interested in showering such nectarine words and is worthy of being emulated. He is also a great guide in the path of salvation. Prostrations to such great sage Swami Sivananda.


संवेशाशनभाषणेषु मिततां भूतानुकम्पां तथा

संवेगस्य निरर्थकत्वमखिलानुद्बोधयन्तं विभुम्

देवे कामरिपौ निवेशितमतिं दिव्यं शिवानन्दस-

द्योगीन्द्रं समुपास्महे मुनिजनोत्तंसं जगद्देशिकम् ।।५८।।


We worship the world-preceptor and great saint Swami Sivananda, who teaches all to be moderate in sleep, food and talk, to be compassionate to all creatures, to understand the futility of passion, and whose mind is always established in the contemplation of Lord Siva.


आशापाशविशेषबन्धविवशा नक्रन्दिवं संभ्रमा-

दाशान्तावगतावकाशमखिलं धावन्ति नानाजनाः

क्लेशावेशवशानिमान् शुभपदं नेतुं प्रवृत्तं जनै-

राशास्याद्भुतवैभवं हृदि शिवानन्दं सदा भावये ।। ५९।।


I meditate always on Swami Sivananda who is endowed with wonderful prowess and is ever engaged in showing those people the path of righteousness, who having been entangled in the bondage of this Samsara, and being helpless run hither and thither, impelled by the force of afflictions.


सदा सकलसज्जनैस्समभिवन्द्यपादाम्बुजं

सदाशययशोयुतं समविलोकनात्तादरम्

वदान्यवरमुत्तमं वशिजनावतंसं सतां

मुदास्पदमुपास्महे शिवमुनिं जगद्देशिकम् ।। ६० ।।


I adore the world-preceptor Swami Sivananda, whose lotus-feet are worshipped by all virtuous people, who is famous for his large-heartedness, who is endowed with equal vision, who is of a most charitable disposition, who is the greatest of all self-controlled ascetics and who is the abode of joy.


कलानिधिकलापसम्मिलितचेतसं चित्कला-

विलासविशदौजसं विदितवेदसारोत्करम्

कलाकलितकौतुकं कलुषलेशहीनाशयं

तुलारहितसद्‌गुणं शिवमुनीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।।६१ ।।


I take refuge in the great sage Swami Sivananda, whose mind is fixed in Lord Siva, who is shining with the splendour of supreme consciousness, who is the knower of essence of Vedic teachings, who has great interest in various arts and sciences, who is endowed with pure heart and unparalleled virtues.


नितान्तविमलाशयं निखिललोकसंसेवितं

कृतान्तरिपुचिन्तने कृतमतिं कृपापांपतिम्

अतान्तधिषणाबलं परगुणेक्षणाकांक्षिणं

मतान्तरविशारदं शिवमुनीन्द्रमेवाश्रये ।। ६२ ।।


I take shelter at the holy feet of the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is of sinless character, who is worshipped by the whole world, whose mind is ever absorbed in Lord Siva, who is the ocean of mercy, who is endowed with great intellectual power, who is ever eager to work for the welfare of others and who has got great knowledge of the teachings of other religions.


भवार्णवभवार्णसां भ्रमगणेषु मन्नान् जनान्

जवान्निजकृपाप्लवं समवतार्य सन्तारकम्

स्तवार्हगुणसागरं मधुरसूक्तिपीयूषदं

शिवाख्यमुनिसत्तमं सुकृतमूर्तिमेवाश्रये ।। ६३ ।।


I seek refuge in the great saint Swami Sivananda, who is the embodiment of virtues, who, with the ferry of his kindness, protects those people who are drowning in the Samsaric ocean, who is endowed with praiseworthy qualities, and who is the giver of the nectarine sweet words.


अहो भाग्यं भाग्यं मधुरमधुरोदारचरितम्

महोराशिं भव्यप्रथितसुगुणव्रातभरितम्

अहोरात्रं लोके भवगदविनाशैकनिरतम्

शिवानन्दं दिव्यं निकटभुवि पश्याम्यविरतम् ।। ६४ ।।


It is my good fortune that I see the great sage Swami Sivananda at close proximity, whose life-history is of a very, very sweet nature, who is the repository of divine effulgence, who is full of admirable and noble qualities and who is day and night engaged in protecting the people from disease of worldly the transmigration.


सदा सद्धिः सेव्यं सकलगुणसन्दोहसदनम्

चिदानन्दे लीनाशयमविरतं स्मेरवदनम्

मुदा कुतु लोकं सकलमनिशं वीतकदनम्

श्रमं कुर्वन्तं तं प्रणमत शिवानन्दयमिनम् ।। ६५ ।।


Prostrate yourselves with all devotion before the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is always adored by good people, who is the embodiment of all virtues, who is continuously established in the bliss of Supreme Consciousness, who has a smiling face and who is always fervently working for the amelioration of the sorrows of mankind.


त्रयीतत्त्वं साधारणजनसुबोधाय सकलम्

शतातीतग्रन्थैः सरलपदसंधातरचितैः

स्फुटीकुर्वन् धर्मायनसततसञ्चारनिरतः

शिवानन्दः सोऽयं जयतु चिरमुर्त्यां मुनिवरः ।। ६६ ।।


May the great sage Swami Sivananda live in this world for many years to come, who has written more than hundred books, expounding the ideals of the Vedas in a very sweet and lucid style so as to be easily understood by the common man of the world, and who is always keen about treading the path of Dharma.


भवाम्भोधौ मन्नं मनुजगणमुद्धर्तुमखिलम्

दिवारात्रं कर्मप्रकरमिह कुर्वाणमतुलम्

निवाताब्जस्थेमे हृदि गिरिशमालोक्य मुदितम्

शिवानन्दं दिव्यं प्रणमत जगद्वासिजनताः ।।६७।।


May the people of the world worship the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is always engaged in rendering invaluable service to redeem those people who are drowned in the ocean of Samsara, who is ever joyous having the vision of Lord Siva in his heart which is as steady as a lotus unaffected by wind.


सकलगुणनिधानं सज्जनैस्सेव्यमानं

सरसमधुरशीलं सर्वभूतानुकूलम्

सवितृसदृशभासं जाह्नवीतीरवासं

भविकसुकृतरूपं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ६८ ।।


I worship Swami Sivananda, who is the treasure-house of all good qualities, who is served by virtuous people, who is of a sweet and pleasing nature, who is evenly disposed towards all creatures, who is shining like the sun, who is living on the bank of the Ganga and who is the embodiment of auspiciousness righteousness. and


श्रुतिगतबहुतत्त्वान्यन्वहं वीतशङ्क

श्रुतिमधुरवचोभिर्निर्भरं भाषमाणम् -

नुतिपदमखिलानां श्रीशिवानन्दयोगी-

श्वरमतुलमनीषावैभवं भावयेऽहम् ।।६९।।


I contemplate on the great Yogi Swami Sivananda who is of incomparable intellect, who daily expounds the hidden meanings contained in the scriptures, in his lucid and sweet words and who is worthy of being praised by all.


निखिलनिगमसारं नित्यमुद्द्बोधयन्तं

निशितमतिविशेषं निर्विकारं निरीहम्

निरवधिजनवन्द्यं निर्मलं लोकसेवा-

निरतममितबोधं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।७०।।


I devoutly glorify Swami Sivananda who imparts to all the essence of Vedic Knowledge, who is endowed with an extraordinarily sharp intellect, who is devoid of all cravings and modifications of the mind, who is devoutly worshipped by people, who is guileless, who is constantly engaged in the service of the world, and who is endowed with immeasurable wisdom.


सकलजनगुणार्थं सूक्तिपीयूषधारा-

निकरशतमतन्द्रं वर्षमाणं निकामम्

अनुपममहिमाढ्यं श्रीशिवानन्दयोगि-

प्रवरमतनुभक्त्या सन्ततं भावयेऽहम् ।।७१।।


I always meditate on the great sage Swami Sivananda with intense devotion, who is showering indefatigably and incessantly the nectar of his sweet words on people for their supreme welfare, and whose greatness has no parallel in this universe.


जननमरणसिन्धौ संपतन्तं नितान्तं

कदनमनुभवन्तं लोकमुद्धर्तुकामम्

सकलजनशिवार्थं दिव्यगीतार्थसारं

सततमुपदिशन्तं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ७२ ।।


I adore Swami Sivananda, who is ever desirous of freeing those people from their afflictions who are plunged in the ocean of Samsara and who is always engaged in spreading the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita for the welfare of entire humanity.




निरघमखिललोकक्षेममार्गेकचिन्ता -

निरतममितकीर्ति श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ७३।।


I prostrate myself before Swami Sivananda, who has attained boundless knowledge by the intense study of innumerable scriptures, who is deeply immersed in meditation, who is sinless, who is always desirous of discovering ways and means for the welfare of entire world, and who is renowned far and wide.



परि लसदनुकम्पापूर्णमन्दस्मितार्द्रम्

परिसरगतशिष्यैस्सेव्यमानं मुनीनां

परिवृढमतिदिव्यं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।७४ ।।


I worship the greatest of all saints, Swami Sivananda, who is endowed with a shining face like the full moon, from which emanate the cool rays of compassion, and who is always served and adored by his devout disciples.


निखिलजननिषेव्यं निस्तुलानर्घशीलं

निशितमतिविलासं निर्यदालोलभासम्

निकटगतजनानां नित्यमानन्दपद्या -

निकरमुपदिशन्तं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ७५ ।।


I adore Swami Sivananda who is honoured by the whole world, who has a spotless character, who is endowed with sharp intellect, whose face is glowing with divine effulgence and who is a guide to all those people who approach him with a desire to tread the path of virtue.


सुरुचिरसुगुणानां सुन्दरावासकेन्द्रं

निरुपमशुभशीलं निश्चलानन्दसान्द्रम्

गुरुवरमखिलानां श्रीशिवानन्दयोगी-

श्वरमविकलपुण्यं भावये दिव्यरूपम् ।। ७६ ।।


I worship the divine form of the greatest saint, Swami Sivananda, who is the abode of all good qualities, whose greatness is unparalleled, who is filled with unalloyed bliss, and who is the worthy preceptor of all.


मधुरमधुरवाणीं सन्ततं व्याहरन्तं

विधुवदनमुदारं विश्ववन्द्यं नितान्तम् -

भवगदहरणोत्कं श्रीशिवानन्दयोगि

प्रवरममितकीर्ति भावये भावुकांगम् ।।७७।।


I meditate on the greatest ascetic Swami Sivananda, who is the embodiment of goodness, who always speaks very sweetly, who is magnanimous and has a face shining like the moon, who is worshipped by the whole world, who is anxious to save people from the miseries of Samsara and who is immensely praised by the world at large.


परिणतपरिबोधं पावनानर्घशीलम्

परिसरगतशिष्यान् तत्त्वमध्यापयन्तम्

परिलसदनुभावं सर्वदा सर्वभूतो

परि पतदनुकम्पं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ७८ ।।


I adore Swami Sivananda who is the knower of the Supreme Truth, who is pure and of an inestimable good character, who is always pleased to teach about Supreme Truth to his devout disciples, who shines with great splendour and who is always showering his mercy on all those who are needy and miserable.


विविधनिगमबोधात् प्राप्तचेतोविकासं

सविधगतजनानां चित्तमाह्लादयन्तम्

अविरतमखिलानां क्षेमकृत्यैकदीक्षं

सुविदितयतिवर्यं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ७९ ।।


I worship the ascetic of all ascetics, Swami Sivananda, who has attained to a very broad outlook by virtue of his intense study of the various scriptures, who instills happiness into all who flock round him, who is always engaged in doing such work as would bring welfare for all, and whose fame is worldwide.




शिवदेशिक ते पदपद्मगतोऽ-

भवमीश कृपालय पालय माम् ।।८०।।


O My Lord! O Gurudev Sivananda! Thou are the embodiment of mercy; protect thy child who is much fatigued having been caught between mountain-waves of the Samsaric ocean and who has taken refuge in thy lotus-feet.


करुणावरुणालय लोकगुरो

तरुणारुणभास्वरगात्र विभो

शिवदेशिक ते मधुरोक्तिसुधा

शिवदा सततं जनतामवतात् ।।८१ ।।


O Gurudev Sivananda! Thou art the world-preceptor and the repository of compassion and love, and thou art shining with great splendour like the rising sun. May the nectar of thy sweet words bestow immense auspiciousness on all the people.


अनिशं मनुजान् सुजनान् कुरुते

मुनिपुङ्गव ते सुवचः सुमते


शिवदेशिक ते चरणं शरणम् ।।८२।।


O Gurudev Sivananda! You are a great sage; your words containing the seeds of your mighty intelligence purify and lift the ordinary men of the world to the level of Dharmic life and you are also the ocean of all good qualities, free from the taints of worldliness. I take refuge in your lotus-feet.


भुवनेष्वखिलेषु जनान् सुमती-

नवलोकयितुं नितरां श्रमवान्

नवकोमललेखनदानपरः शिवयोगिवरः

सुचिरं जयतात् ।।८३।।


Victory to the great ascetic Swami Sivananda, who is incessantly striving for the welfare of all people and who is an adept in writing sweet and inspiring letters to his innumerable devotees.




सुधासूक्तिगङ्गा सदा निर्गलन्ती

जगत् सर्वमेतत् पवित्रीकरोतु ।।८४।।


May the sacred Ganga of nectar-like words, who takes her origin in the Himalayas of Swami Sivananda, flowing towards the ocean of the Supreme Knowledge of Brahman, purify the whole world.


भवाम्भोधिमन्नान् जनानुद्धरन्तं


दिवारात्रमुत्कृष्टकर्मोत्सुकं तं

शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेवाश्रयेऽहम् ।।८५ ।।


I take refuge in the great sage Swami Sivananda, who emancipates those who are plunged in the ocean of Samsara, who intensifies the effulgence of their subtle intelligence, and who is completely immersed day and night in doing selfless service.


समस्ताभिवन्द्यं सुमर्त्याभिनन्द्यं

समालोकशीलं समारूढयोगम्


शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेवाश्रयेऽहम् ।।८६ ।।


I take resort in the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is worshipped and honoured by all, who is endowed with equanimity of vision, who is well-established in Yoga, and who is endowed with divine powers.


विशालावबोधं विशिष्टानुभावं

प्रशान्तारिषट्कं प्रशस्तापदानम्


शिवानन्दयोगीन्द्रमेवाश्रयेऽहम् ।।८७ ।।


I yearn for the protection of the great sage Swami Sivananda, who has vast knowledge, who is endowed with magnificent greatness, who has destroyed the six-fold inner enemies, who has praiseworthy attainments to his credit and who shines with great splendour like the blazing fire.




संगावरुद्धमनसं विनतोऽस्मि चेतो-

रंगावलोकितशिवं शिवदेशिकं तम् ।।८८ ।।


I worship the great preceptor Swami Sivananda, who has his residence on the bank of the Ganga, whose all desires are fulfilled, who is endowed with glorious fame and sinless character, who is unattached, and who is established in the contemplation of Lord Siva.




वृन्दारकेन्द्रसहजं हृदि वीक्षमाणं

वन्दामहे शिवगुरुं सुकृतैकमूर्तिम् ।।८९।।


We adore the great teacher Swami Sivananda, whose lotus-feet are worshipped by many devotees, who is equal to the wish-yielding tree for those who take refuge in him, who has constant vision of Lord Sri Krishna in his heart and who is the embodiment of all good actions.


वाराशिराशिरशनाशनिपाणिमुख्यै -

राराधितं शिवमुनीन्द्रमनर्घशीलम्

साराभिराममधुरोक्तिसुधाम्बुपूरा -

साराभिरञ्जितजनं शरणं प्रपद्ये ।।९० ।।


I take refuge in the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is adored by great kings, who is of spotless character, and who gives immense joy to all through the incessant flow of his nectarine words.


पीनावबोधनिलयं निखिलाभिवन्द्यं

दीनावनैकनिरतं विमलान्तरंगम्

नानागुणोदवसितं मदनारिचिन्ता -

लीनाशयं शिवमुनीश्वरमाश्रयेऽहम् ।।९१।।


I worship the great saint Swami Sivananda, who is the abode of vast wisdom, who is worshipped by all, who is ever engaged in the protection of the poor and destitute people, who is of guileless nature, who is the embodiment of all good qualities and whose mind is ever engaged in deep contemplation on Lord Siva.


जनगणगुणकर्माण्यन्वहं कर्तुकामं


अनवरतमुदीर्णज्योतिषा राजमानं

विनतजनपरीतं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।। ९२ ।।


I worship Swami Sivananda, who is day and night engaged in the work productive of the maximum good for all people, whose mind is always absorbed in the meditation on Lord Siva, who is a shining star amongst the spiritual luminaries, and who is always surrounded by his humble and sincere devotees.


अभिनवशुभमार्गान् मार्गयन् मानवाना-

मभिरुचिमवगच्छन् भव्ययोगाय तेषाम्

अभिनुतगुणराशिः सर्वलोकाभिवन्द्यो

जयतु सुचिरमेवं श्रीशिवानन्दयोगी ।। ९३ ।।


May the great sage Swami Sivananda, who is every moment, as it were, conducting research into the novel paths to suit the mental development of all aspirants, for their supreme welfare, who is worshipped by all people and who is a storehouse of praiseworthy traits, attain everlasting victory.


अनुदिनमनुवेलं सूक्तिपीयूषवर्षे -

र्मनुजनिकरतापं सर्वमुन्मूलयन्तम्

अनुपममहिमाढ्यं दिव्यदीप्त्या विराज-

त्तनुमखिलनिषेव्यं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।९४।।


I adore Swami Sivananda, who destroys the miseries of worldly people by the shower of the nectar of his sweet words every day, whose greatness is unparalleled, who is shining with divine splendour, and who is served by the world at large.


अमलमतिमशेषान् मानुषान् भक्तियोग-

क्रममतिसरलोक्त्या नित्यमुद्बोधयन्तम्

शमधनमनपेतप्रश्रयं धर्मरक्षा

श्रमकरमकलंकं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।९५ ।।


I worship Swami Sivananda, who initiates all guileless devotees into Bhakti, by imparting to them his teachings in a charming manner, who is endowed with the wealth of serenity and modesty, and who is incessantly working for the protection of Dharma.


सकलजनशुभार्थं दिव्यगीतार्थसारं

सरलललितरीत्या नित्यमाभाषमाणम्

सविधगतजनानां पापमुन्मूलयन्तम्

सवितृतुलितदीप्तिं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।९६ ।।


I worship Swami Sivananda who, for the benefit of all people, teaches the essence of the Bhagavad Gita in sweet and easy words, who destroys the sins of all those who take refuge in him, and who is equal to the sun in splendour.


अविकलसुखमूलं ध्यानशीलं प्रकामं

भुवि नियतमशेषैरेतदेवार्जनीयम्

सुविशदमधुरोक्त्या तद्गुणान् बोधयन्तम्

भविकगुणगणाढ्यं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।९७ ।।


Prostrations to Swami Sivananda, who a is the source of eternal happiness, who is always in meditative mood, who endeavours that everyone in this world may earn this wealth of a calm and serene mind, who always speaks of the benefits of such meditations, and who is the greatest of all living sages to guide the world towards blessedness.


विहतविविधतापं वीतनानावलेपं

विदितनिगमसारं प्राप्तवेदान्तपारम्

विनतजनपरीतं विश्रुतामेयकीर्ति

विगतसकलदोषं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।९८ ।।


Salutations to Swami Sivananda, who is free from all afflictions, who has annihilated the feelings of I-ness' and 'mine-ness' in him, who is endowed with the knowledge of all scriptures, who has attained the supreme goal of life, who is encircled by sincere and devout disciples and who is renowned for his spotless character.


निरवधिनिजशिष्यान् मोक्षमार्गं नयन्तं

निरयपतितलोकानुद्धरन्तं नितान्तम्


निरघमतुलशीलं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।९९ ।।


I worship Swami Sivananda, who guides ever so many disciples along the path of final emancipation, who always strives for the uplift of those who are plunged in the hell of Samsara, who is ever engaged in welfare of the whole world, and who is sinless and is endowed with glorious character.


मन्दाकिन्यास्सुरुचिरतटे सुन्दरे मन्दिरे सद्-

वृन्दाकीर्णे सदसि विलसद्दिव्यपीठे निषण्णम्


स्यन्दस्तोमैश्शिशिरितजनं श्रीशिवानन्दमीडे ।।१००।।


Glory to Swami Sivananda, who dwelling in a captivating shrine on the bank of the beautiful Mandakini (Ganga), sits resplendent in His lustrous seat surrounded by the band of wise and good people, and who cools the hearts of all by the flood of sweet words that freely flow from his ever-smiling lotus-face.